Policies and Procedures – Hurst Green Parish Council

  • Code of Conduct

    The Council has a Code of Conduct to promote and maintain high standards of behaviour by its members and co-opted members.

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  • Complaints against the Council

    This procedure outlines the process for making a complaint against the Council.

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  • Disciplinary Policy

    This policy is for and to help council employees in relation to unsatisfactory conduct and performance in their job.

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  • Grants and Donations Policy

    This policy outlines the Parish Council’s process for any grants and donations.

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  • Local Public Bench Policy

    As part of the Council’s desire to improve the quality of life for residents, and to improve the facilities in the Parish. The Council’s public bench scheme allow residents to purchase a bench that is installed on land owned by the Parish Council.

    Read policy

  • Policy for Granting of the Honorary Freedom of the Parish

    This policy outlines the Parish Council’s Training and Development Policy.

    Read policy

  • Standing Orders

    Standing Orders (SOs) are the Council’s guidelines for its smooth operation, and include rules of procedure laid down in legislation and additional regulations chosen by Council.

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  • Training and Development Policy

    This policy outlines the Parish Council’s Training and Development Policy.

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  • Transparency

    This policy outlines the Parish Council’s process for any grants and donations.

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